Robert “Bob” Stahl Beloved husband, father, grandfather and uncle passed on October 23, 2020 at the age of 83. He was married to his wife, Elizabeth “Betty” Stahl, for 61 years. He is survived by his six children: Gregory, Cynthia, David, Christine (Krasley), Brian and Eric, and six grandchildren: Jennifer, Leo, Tyson, Denise, Conor and Sydney.
He was a graduate of Williamson College of the Trades in Middletown Township, PA, where he studied painting and home decorating. Bob started his own decorating business in Media and in 1984 opened a retail decorating store on State Street in Media.
Bob was involved in several local civic organizations including the Media Rotary, Sleighton School Board for delinquent girls and trustee of the Williamson College of the Trades. He was an avid international traveler that included trips to China, Russia, Europe and South American countries.
A mass will be held Wednesday, October 28, 2020, at 11 a.m. at Saint Mary Magdalen Church, 2400 North Providence Road, Media, PA. Visitation will precede the service at 10 a.m. Interment at Calvary Cemetery, Media will be reserved for family only. Arrangements J. Nelson Rigby Funeral Home.
Published in The Daily Times from Oct. 24 to Oct. 25, 2020.