Theodore D. Hadley Jr., 83, of Media, a retired Sun Oil Co. executive and former Elwyn board chairman, died July 20.
Mr. Hadley lived in the Media area all of his life. He was a graduate of the old Media High School, Charles Morris Price School of Advertising and Harvard University Graduate School for Management Development. For 45 years, Mr. Hadley was employed by Sun Oil Co. where he was a corporate vice president at the time of his retirement.
Mr. Hadley was a tireless advocate for children and adults with special needs. He was former chairman of the board of directors for Elwyn Inc. in Middletown, a former board member of Elwyn Training School in Vineland, N.J., and a former member of the Philadelphia Committee of Elwyn National Rehabilitation Center. Mr. Hadley was a member of the Delaware County Park board for 45 years, 22 as chairman. He was a former member and president of Media Boys Club, now the Media Youth Center, for which he was a major fundraiser. Mr. Hadley was former vice chairman of the Media Water Authority, former co-chair of the Delaware County Open Space Project and former member of the Delaware County Open Space Task Force.
For 21 years, Mr. Hadley was chairman of the 7th congressional district’s selection committee for nominations to military academies. He was former chairman of the Eastern College Parents Fund-raising Drive and was an honorary member of the Media Rotary Club. He was formerly financial chairman of the Sunoco political action committee, known as SUNPA, president of the Media Swimming and Rowing Club, now Broomall Lake’s C.C., board member of Ethel Mason Development Center, member and officer of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation, American Petroleum Institute member, Residex Corporation board member, Alliance Enterprise Inc. board member, Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Memorial Foundation advisory committee member and Waynesborough Country Club & Merion Gold Club member. Mr. Hadley was a member of Pine Valley Golf Club.
He was former chairman of the Upper Providence Zoning Board and the Upper Providence Park and Recreation Board and a former member of the Nether Providence Park and Recreation Board. Mr. Hadley was past president of the National Association of Purchasing Management. He was a captain with the 111th Infantry Regimental Combat Team, USAR-497th Quarter Master Battalion.
In 1979 Mr. Hadley was honored by community leaders and friends for outstanding contribution to the community and dedication to youth endeavors. In 1985 he was presented the Delaware County American Spirit Preservation Award for exemplifying the spirit of the Founding Fathers through leadership, integrity, vision, patriotism and commitment to progress. Mr. Hadley was named the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1993 Citizen of the Year and, in 1996, was presented the Rose Tree Media School District Distinguished Alumni Award. In 2002 the Pennsylvania Association of Rehabilitation Facilities honored him for his “Leadership of Special People” and, in 2003, Mr. Hadley was honored by Delaware County Council for 40 years of service on the County of Delaware Park and Recreation Board. He was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008 by the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Hadley was the son of the late Theodore D. Hadley Sr. and Laura E. Buckley Hadley. He was the brother of the late Richard J. Hadley, a U.S. Navy commander who served on the original crew of the atomic submarine, Nautilus.
Survivors: Wife, Betty Ann Laning Hadley; daughters, Melissa Ann Krakower (Thomas) of Media, Pamela Ann Goodling (John) of York; grandchildren, Sabrina Allison Sterner and Brett Alan Musselman, both of York, and Lindsay Alyson Krakower of Media.
Service: Relative and friends are invited to his memorial service, 10 a.m. Sat., July 30, Media Presbyterian Church, 30 E. Baltimore Ave., Media.
Visitation: After 9 a.m. Sat., July 30, at Media Presbyterian Church.
Burial: Private at Media Cemetery, Upper Providence.
Contributions: The Friends of Ted and Betty Ann Hadley Scholarship Fund to benefit children and adults at Elwyn with special needs, in care of Elwyn Inc., Elwyn Road, Media, PA 19063 or Media Youth Center, Youth Way, Media, PA 19063.
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