1. Open your browser to
  2. Type in your username (usually your email address)
  3. Type in your password (if you can’t remember,
    click on “Forgot Password?”)
  4. Type in our club number (5492)
  5. Click on Login

  1. You are now on your HOME page.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click on the tab My DATA

  1. You are now viewing your Member Profile Page.
  2. On the left sidebar menu, click on Edit Member.

Edit Your Member Information

  1. You are now ready to Edit your information.
  2. There are 12 TABS of information for you to edit.
  3. Click on the tab Member
  4. Update information in the boxes.

SAVE Your Member Information

  1. You MUST remember to click on the UPDATE button.
  2. If you forget to do this, none of the edits you just did will be saved to the DACdb database.

Edit Your Photograph

  1. You are now ready to Edit information from another TAB.
  2. Click on the tab Photo
  3. Click on the BROWSE button to locate a file on your computer to UPLOAD.

SAVE Your Photograph

Once again,
you MUST remember to click on the UPDATE button.


  1. Open your browser to
  2. Type in your username (usually your email address)
  3. Type in your password (if you can’t remember,
    click on “Forgot Password?”)
  4. Type in our club number (5492)
  5. Click on Login

  1. You are now on your HOME page.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click on the tab My DATA

  1. You are now viewing your Member Profile Page.
  2. On the left sidebar menu, click on Edit Member.

Edit Your Member Information

  1. You are now ready to Edit your information.
  2. There are 12 TABS of information for you to edit.
  3. Click on the tab Member
  4. Update information in the boxes.

SAVE Your Member Information

  1. You MUST remember to click on the UPDATE button.
  2. If you forget to do this, none of the edits you just did will be saved to the DACdb database.

Edit Your Photograph

  1. You are now ready to Edit information from another TAB.
  2. Click on the tab Photo
  3. Click on the BROWSE button to locate a file on your computer to UPLOAD.

SAVE Your Photograph

Once again,
you MUST remember to click on the UPDATE button.


  1. Open your browser to
  2. Type in your username (usually your email address)
  3. Type in your password (if you can’t remember,
    click on “Forgot Password?”)
  4. Type in our club number (5492)
  5. Click on Login

  1. You are now on your HOME page.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click on the tab My DATA

  1. You are now viewing your Member Profile Page.
  2. On the left sidebar menu, click on Edit Member.

Edit Your Member Information

  1. You are now ready to Edit your information.
  2. There are 12 TABS of information for you to edit.
  3. Click on the tab Member
  4. Update information in the boxes.

SAVE Your Member Information

  1. You MUST remember to click on the UPDATE button.
  2. If you forget to do this, none of the edits you just did will be saved to the DACdb database.

Edit Your Photograph

  1. You are now ready to Edit information from another TAB.
  2. Click on the tab Photo
  3. Click on the BROWSE button to locate a file on your computer to UPLOAD.

SAVE Your Photograph

Once again,
you MUST remember to click on the UPDATE button.