
Anyone wishing to make a donation or to submit proposals may do so in writing to the address below:
The Rotary Foundation of Media
P. O. Box 2028
Media, PA 19063


Foundation Board meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 9.00 A.M. at:
Court Diner
140 E. Baltimore Pike
Media, PA 19063

Foundation Minutes for Nov. 15, 2016

Rotary Foundation of Media Board Meeting – November 15, 2016

Members present: Govinda Malya, Nancy Geisel, Dennis Slostad, Bryan Messick, Larry Smoose Members absent: Courtney Ballauer, George Beatty

Others Preseent: Gary Zebrowski (Treasurer); Dan Lievens (Club President) The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m.


The minutes were approved with the following correction to the Treasurer’s report: “Gary Zebrowski reported that the fund balance is $45,700 with $10,500 in reserve for our committed Global Projects and $1,000 in reserve for the airfare committed for the Wine Auction trip. Larry Smoose noted that funds transferred a few years ago from the Healthy Communities Initiative (HCI) organization for Youth Leadership should also be in the restricted account. It was determined that the amount remaining in the original gift was $7450. The remainder of the funds ($27,000) $37,000 will then be placed in the three categories earlier agreed on by the board – 10% for emergency needs, 10% as a contingency and 80% for distribution of grants. Of the funds available for distribution in 2016-17, $10,500 has been designated for global grants.”

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was received as presented. Gary noted that $19,373 are available for grants.

Report to the Club

The committee reviewed the presentation made by Govinda at the regular meeting of our club on October 6. Those present at the meeting thought is was a good presentation that outlined our new process and answered some of the questions club members raised.


Govinda noted that the club website has been updated to include the foundation’s Board of Directors, the monthly meeting dates and times, the minutes of the meetings and a grant proposal form. All are positive additions to the website.

Email address of the Foundation

Govinda reminded board members that the email address is and that any proposals or official correspondence should be addressed to that email rather than him personally so that as president’s change, the email address will remain constant and have records of past proposals, etc.

Global Grant Updates

Micro Finance Project – Govinda visited Ecuador the week of Nov. 6 and reported that the Executive Director of ECLOF and the Rotary Club of Equinoccio, Ecuador finally have signed the Memorandum of Understanding which met all requirements and it submitted to TRF. We are waiting for the grant approval from TRF and expected by the end of December 2016. Four parishes in Pedro Moncayo County will implement the microcredit program and 80 indigenous females, the recipients of the microcredits. The vocational areas of the micro finance recipients are organic agricultural production of fruits & vegetables and milk & cheese, bakery, sewing & tailoring and art crafts. All training and finances will be administered by ECLOF a well- established and recognized organization that was pre-approved by Rotary as the Micro Finance Institution. The Rotary Club of Equinoccio and Cimas Foundation, Quito, Ecuador will supervise the project implementation and regular communication with international partner. Our club contribution of $5000 will result in a total project of $ 58,900.00!

The Teaching Skills grant provides training to 30 teachers and 3 principals to improve teaching skills in early childhood education and improve learning scores of about 750 children of age group 3-5 years in three schools in the Carapungo School District, 17D02, Quito, Ecuador. The Quito Rotary project team and university teaching professionals have signed the agreement and MOU and they are on the desk of the Secretary of Education for his signature which is expected soon. Then the executed agreement will be “uploaded” in the TRF global grant system which will complete the formalities of TRF. We will then wait for the grant approval from TRF, expected by the end of December 2016. Our club contribution of $5000 will result in a total project of $35,500.00!

Govinda encouraged board and club members to consider visiting Ecuador to see the impact of these projects first hand.

While in Ecuador, three clubs approached him about other possible projects:

  1. a phase two grant for the Teaching Skills program

  2. a health project based on a proto type model developed and in use in Kenya and India, to screen, treat, educate and peer-consul for diabetes, hypertension and asthma for below poverty people using mobile van.

  3. a project to help young girls age 3-7 attend school. They are too poor to afford the cost of school uniforms and supplies.

As the board gets information on these requests it will provide an outline to the club about the possibilities.

Grant Proposal Forms

As we transition to this single source model for foundation grant funding, the use of the new forms provides both uniformity and necessary information for decision-making. Govinda will prepare a draft letter that can be sent to those asking for a grant that would be sent along with

the grant form. In addition, a standard letter will be prepared for those who have submitted a request acknowledging receipt of the form. This same process needs to be followed by club (and board) members with forms mailed or emailed to the Rotary Foundation of Media (not to Govinda personally). The Deadlines are established so that the board can consider several requests simultaneously for comparison purposes, knowing that funds will not permit every request to be met.

Funding Requests

As of November 7, 2016 the status of the following requests is noted. If the request was not on an official proposal form, that form was sent to the key contact.

  • Elwyn – no specific amount noted, the purpose is to upgrade their school, which will be a three year project – official grant proposal form not yet received.

  • Media-Providence Friends School for $5000 – waiting for official grant proposal form.

  • Scholarships for Penncrest student(s) – no amount specified, waiting for proposal form.

  • Veterans Museum – no amount specified, waiting for proposal form.

  • Rose Tree Park Summer Festival for $750 – form received – under consideration for next approval cycle.

  • Providence Animal Shelter for $5000 – waiting for proposal form.

The board approved (Smoose/Geisel) a grant request of $825 for three scholarships for Penncrest students to attend the District 7450 RYLA weekend. These funds will be taken from the Designated HCI fund for student leadership awards.

The board decided not to consider a request for honoraria for club luncheon programs and suggested that it is an issue for the club board rather than the foundation.

In discussing the various requests that are pending, the board noted that several requests for larger amounts have been received. As the board considers these requests it re-affirmed that any request that is received over $2500 and which the board believes meets the criteria for a grant and is worthy of consideration for a grant will be presented to the club for club input and opinion prior to any final decision by the board.

All requests for grants should include the official proposal form (on the club website and available at club meetings) and sent to

NEXT MEETINGS – Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.; Tuesday, January 17 at 9:00 a.m.